Me & Magdalena ——巴洛克流行于我

Prelude Me and Magdalena Always leaving early and sleeping late Secluded in the canyon Lost within a turn of fate But konw everything lost will be recovered When you drift into the arms of the undiscovered 我和马格达琳娜 总是早早离开又晩晚入睡 隐匿在峡谷之中 在命运的变幻之中迷


写在前面 这段时间一直忙于找工作,为了准备面试看了许多博客文章和材料,把笔记用 Org-Mode 的形式记录了下来。文章组织比较混乱,但大体框架与重点内容应当已

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Prelude May, she will stay Resting in my arms again – April Come She Will, Simon & Garfunkel, Sounds of Silence 不知不觉五月都要过去了,而我所在的城市也迎来了真正的夏天。中午的气温已经攀到了35摄氏度,这种天气